Thursday, February 28, 2019

Physical architecture

                     Physical Architecture

System Database

·         Distribution database
·         Master Database
·         Model Database
·         MSDB
·         Temp Database
·         Resource Database

File group is the logical container. Using the file group you can describe the MDF file what type of database creation. This is the new feature from the SQL server 2008 R2.

You can take back up of the database depending on the file group. Suppose an organization has database of 4TB that they need to take back up at that time while creating the databases they need to device the mdf file in particular file group. If that database taking 4 hr of time to complete backup we can take file-group back up to reduce the time lag.

As showing in above figure, we can divide the databases in FG ( File Group) and take backup of only Transaction FG to reduce the time and space of backup.

The first file that you create while creating database is extension with .mdf for data and .ldf for log file. However the second data file that you create will have extension as .ndf .

The main database that has created it should be File type of RAW DATA

Database size should be in MB So you can know exactly how much space will get utilize and needed.

There is only one .mdf file which always belong to primary file group. In .ldf logical files data is being written in sequentially format. If there is two logical files then second one is being used after 1st one is full.

Syntax to define file group using the query window.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
       [id] [int] NULL
) ON [PRIMARY]  Here Primary is file group.



    In the database mdf data first store in pages. Where page is basic storage unit.
   One page size is equal to 8kb = 8196byte.
   Each page divided into three catogeory
1.       Header – 92bytes It store page number, page type, amount of free space it has, allocation unit ID of the object that owns the page.
2.       Data Row -8096bytes it contain actual data. Data is being stored one after another. At the end of the page a row offset table exist which store one row for each data row in pages.
3.       Footer -8bytes it contain information as which one is the next page and which once was previous page.

   There are 9 types of pages in SQL server.
1.       Data It contain Data rows with all data expect text, ntext, images, nvarchar (max), varchar (max), varbiary (max) and xml data, when text in row set to ON.
2.       Index - Index entries
3.       Text/Images – Large data and text, images, ntext data.
4.       Gam – Global Allocation Map. Information about allocated Extents. Store only uniform extend information. Like free space at what location is available.
5.       SGAM – Shared Global Allocation Map. Contain information about mixed extents.
6.       PFS – Page Free Space. This is the first page of every database file. It contain the available free space information. It also contain the page allocation.
7.       IAM- Index Allocation Map. Information about extends used by the tables or index per allocation unit.
8.       BCM- Bulk Change Map. Contain the information about extends modified by bulk operations since the last backup LOG statement per allocation unit.
9.       DCM- Differential Changed Map. Information about extents that have changed since the last backup database statement.


 An extents is 8 continues pages or 64kB memory space.
There are two type of extents
1.       Uniform Extent – All 8 pages in the extent are owned and used by a single object.
2.       Mixed Extents – Each of the 8 pages in the extents may be owned and used by different objects.
   A new table or index is generally allocated pages from mixed extents. When the table or index grows to the point that it has eight pages, it then switches to use uniform extents for subsequent allocation.
   64000 Extents are cover by a single GAM/SGAM.
    To allocate a uniform extent, the DB engine searches the GAM && to allocate a mixed extent, it search in the SGAM.

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